I know that if you have been following my twitter and facebook feed that you have been waiting for these photos. This little guy was in no hurry to get here.
Baby Henry, born last night at 7:25 pm. After 4 days of labor – 75+ hours. This Mama deserves her prize. She was so strong and so brave, and I am so happy that she finally gets to hold her beautiful baby boy.
Congrats W. Family on your beautiful baby!
I was not even there for half of it and I am still exhausted, even after a nap today.
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Oh, my word, poor mom. I’m glad it all worked out in the end. These are great images.
Sympathy pains Emily. I’m thrilled for them too that the marathon labor is over and they now have a beautiful bay boy!
Oh wow… THAT is some labor. Congrats mom and baby-beautiful boy!