Gracie – playing in the evening sun. This is an attempt at some sun flare. Portfolio | Contact Me | Book a Session connect with us on social media . . .
trying something a little different

Gracie – playing in the evening sun. This is an attempt at some sun flare. Portfolio | Contact Me | Book a Session connect with us on social media . . .
Two incredibly well behaved children – and they were so sweet to each other. Seeing how I spent most of my formative years trying to murder my little brother it always shocks me when i see siblings getting along. Portfolio … Continue reading
Look at this little rag-a-muffin. I think she felt like big stuff getting to get a hot dog. Earlier in the day we went to main street and watched the parade. A lot people had taken chairs down a head … Continue reading
Man have I been busy! from 787 roll out to photography every weekend I have barely had time to catch my breath. This is Kendel, a little ball of energy! Portfolio | Contact Me | Book a Session connect with … Continue reading