Murphy’s Law

You should never write on your blog that you think you are getting over morning sickness or that the worst has passed because with out fail you get much much sicker the following day. That’s exactly what happened to me, and I was sick all weekend. Yesterday (desperate) I went for the first time to get acupuncture. If you know me you know that this is quite a feat in and of itself because I don’t “do” needles very well. I can’t look when I have blood drawn, in fact I have to lie down. I can’t watch medical TV shows that involved blood and guts and I don’t even like to hear about any one’s surgery. I come by it honestly, once my dad was out with a client on a business lunch and his client started talking about her son’s knee surgery. My dad started feeling queasy and excused himself to go outside for some fresh air and immediately passed out. Last week my little brother went to the blood drive at his office and before they even got to the part where they stuck him with a needle he passed out (he got a cookie anyway). So yeah me (or anyone in my family) + needles doesn’t = bliss. But you know what it actually felt really good and the needles used in acupuncture are not even serious needles – they are more like stiff guitar wire. I still didn’t watch when the acupuncturist put them in. After I felt very sleepy, but you know what I didn’t feel sick.ย  The incredible migraine that I had been suffering from even went away. I was able to eat some chicken for dinner and I haven’t been able to eat meat for dinner for almost a month. And then I slept, and I slept for 8 hours straight. It felt amazing I didn’t even wake up to pee 3 or 4 times like I have been. I work up at 6:30 when Myles alarm went off. And today I have felt pretty darn good, not sickย  but a little bit like someone who has just recovered from being really sick. I did get a ton today (work wise)ย  So I’m hoping the effect of the acupuncture last but I am on the wait list for a Friday appointment with the acupuncturist just in case. I have pretty much tried every morning sickness remedy out there (with the exception of the hardcore drugs) and nothing has worked so I am relieved to have found something that is apparently working. I know that the blog has been really sparse lately and that’s mainly because I have been too sick and tired to blog. I am still taking sessions just not very many until I feel better.ย  (I would hate to throw up in front of a client.) but I do have a lot of past sessions to blog about and a lot of cute babies to share. So look for them soon, and I apologize to my clients how have had to wait. And since posting without a picture is a crime here are some cute ones of my mischievous boy. We went out in the rain today to take some photos and just to get outside.

Until next time.


P.S. feel free to share any morning sickness remedies that actually worked for you. I know a lot of people say ginger works but I have never actually met anyone that said it really worked for them.

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  1. The good thing is it will eventually pass, even if it’s birthing (but we’re praying it’s asap.)

    About the ginger. It did work for me. There were these ginger chews that I bought at Whole Foods that were wrapped just like a piece of candy. They were a miracle “drug” for me. Of course, that’s for very mild symptoms and I was not horribly sick with either boy. But, they taste pretty good and did seem to work. Hang in there.

  2. Kay Weaver

    I thought, my daughter and needles! I was impressed but also realized how desperate she was to get better. I love this little guy and his beautiful blue eyes.

  3. Kay Weaver

    I also heard today that your body needs more protein. If you haven’t eaten any meat for a month you were probably pretty low on protein unless you ate a lot of beans & peanut butter. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. cheryl

    The only thing that worked for me was the drugs, sorry! Emily, Simon’s eyes in these photos are AMAZING!!! Hope you get to feeling better very soon!

  5. Simon is the cutest EVER!! I’ve heard that sickness is worse when you are pregnant with a girl… but I don’t know how to verify that one. Ginger never worked for me. I wish I had some cure, but I don’t!

  6. Hi Emily! I found your blog through an online forum a few days ago and have been stalking you ever since. Your pictures are so beautiful! I’m driving to Seattle the next time I have one so that I can have you take some pictures. ๐Ÿ™‚ I do hope you feel better! I had baby#5 6 months ago and have been sick with all of them. At least it doesn’t last forever and you get a cool present at the end. ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyway – I really, really hope you feel completely better soon!