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Talia {three weeks old}

Well I got my snow. Not much by Alaska standards but it’s enough to shut the entire city of Seattle down. Don’t worry I only took her outside for about 60 seconds to take this photo and she was dressed in 3 layers.

And Tonight Simon read Talia a bedtime story.  Here he is “reading” Goodnight Gorilla, if you are not familiar with the book it’s mostly pictures. It’s a very cute book and Simon has memorized it. He really is so sweet to her, he calls her sweetie and kisses her head constantly.

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  1. Love love love love. Did I mention love?

  2. Oh my word…my heart cant take the cuteness!!! That has got to be the sweetest thing ever!!!

  3. and I’m all teary. Love, love, love this post.

  4. Laura Archey

    she is so interested, she is totally bonding with him, and learning to love books at a young age 🙂 cute cute cute

  5. Brooke

    Love the snow angel! Plus, Simon has got some serious eyelashes.

  6. Rachael

    Oh, how sweet! Watching a boy with his baby sister has to be one of the most beautiful things ever, and it just keeps getting better.

  7. Ack, that is the cutest!!! Talia and Simon will LOVE looking at this in 10 years.

  8. Annie

    The snow picture is the best picture I have ever seen of a baby. Perfection!

  9. Great pictures! We love that book, it’s one of Harris’ favorites. (Thank you, Dolly Parton!)

  10. I cant believe she is 3 weeks old! What a sweet moment and Love the snow pic to!

  11. Beautiful shots, Emily. They are just precious!