a whale bento, the whales were turkey. Then he had May’s gone crackers with goat cheese (this is a favorite from when he was very young) tomatoes, steamed green beans, and blueberries
Quinoa onigiri. Onigiri is a Japanese food, traditionally a rice ball filled with pickled ume. From what I understand what I have done here would really upset some Japanese traditionalist who don’t like traditional food (like sushi) to be messed with. Anyway I used Quinoa and a little bit of goat cheese to make it stick together (this would also work with cream cheese) then I filled them with smoked turkey. Simon was not a fan but Talia loved them. In addition he had pistachios, bing cherries (which I pit for him), some sesame crackers, and a yogurt star.
These are BLT skewers, some bunny crackers, mozzarella cheese, and nectarine.
this is a dolphin almond butter and strawberry jam sandwich, surrounded by carrots, freeze dried snap peas, watermelon balls and a shark cut out of fontina cheese.
Myles birthday bento. Normally Myles takes dinner leftovers for lunch but for his birthday I made him a bento. These are la panzanella crackers, peppadews stuffed with goat cheese, beechers signature cheese (this is a local cheese), dolmas, caprese salad, and salami.
normally I don’t let Simon eat white flour, nitrites, or nitrates but he saw me making Myles’s bento and really wanted one too so this was his smaller version. He does not like dolmas but I keep offering them to him becuase I know they are an acquired taste and I am hoping that eventually he will love them the way I do – he already does love salami and any sort of cured meat like that.
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These are adorable! You are providing me with much inspiration for the upcoming school year.
Where did you get the bento boxes and adorable cookie cutters (I’m assuming that’s what they are)?
I got the bento boxes at Whole Foods and I found one (I have 3) at a consignment shop, but you can order them off their website http://www.lunchbots.com I pick up cookie cutters whenever I see them. Some 100 yen stores have very small ones for bentos specifically other than that I have gotten them on amazon and sur la table.
Hey Emily – Is Simon’s box the Pico size? I think it’s time for me to order one for my little guy! 🙂
These have got to be THE coolest lunches I’ve ever seen!! I really hope I can remember to check back here once my little man is old enough! SO COOL!!!
thanks Tiffany!
so cute!!!
I saw your first post about the bentos and was in awe of how amazing (and yummy) they looked. How much time does it take to make these? They are so well executed and I wonder if I could replicate them easily.