appropriately named since she was born in November with one of the prettiest falls on record.
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appropriately named since she was born in November with one of the prettiest falls on record.
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Hey Emily – AMAZING work as usual… Our lil’ girl is due April 28th – or so they say… If I don’t get a C-section (which would likely be a week or so before April 28th), my guess is more 1st week of May… I’m working on Todd about getting newborn pictures… Keep the temptation of pics coming… Even though he loves your work, I think he puts us getting pics in the “frivolous” category (as in, “We didn’t do it for Sarah so…) =(
Seriously cute Michelle…Perfect!!
emily these are amazing, seriously great work! i love every last one of them.
I can’t thank you enough for doing these for us. You are a TRUE talent! They are so beautiful and capture her little budding personality just perfectly. I can’t wait to see the rest of them.
Oh wow…my favorite newborn from you to date. That very first pic and then, the one where she’s all scrunched up…truly beautiful!
Too cute. Autumn looks just like Michelle and Josh!!