1. He’s a cutie but he must get that from his mom. 😉

  2. fantastic! the conversion is fantastic and as an avid babywearing mom, i can especially appreciate this pose. nicely done!

  3. Wow what a cutie. nd your talent has really grown too! Great lighting!

  4. OMGOSH. He has grown so big 🙂 You look beautiful


  5. he is sooooo BIG!!! you are both beautifuL!!!!

  6. What a cutie pie!!!!!

  7. so adorable. you both are quite stunning! love the two captures tog!!

  8. Adorable! I love this shot and your black and white conversion is lovely!++

  9. my goodness he has grown! gorgeous photo 🙂

  10. So cute! My daughter is almost 3 and I still wear her, LOL! You guys look adorable!

  11. Jennifer G.

    just wondering if that is a ‘baby hawk’ carrier?
    Very cute picture! Love the B&W!