Almost there. I will officially be “in dates” tomorrow. In order to have a home birth you have to meet the requirements to be considered low risk one of the requirements is being between 37 and 42 weeks gestation. So in another 3 hours I am in the clear. We convinced Simon with a lollipop to be in on this shot. He’s just a doll but is not that into being in posed pictures at the moment.
It’s a real stethoscope but it is not actually sensitive enough to pick up the heart beat, though you can get them sensitive enough that they will.
I also wanted to remind everyone to vote in our baby gender guessing game. You vote on the gender and the birth day. So far the boy is winning and Simon is voting girl. (For reference my due date is October 25th). you can put your guess in here (Our Bebe pool)
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What a wonderful keepsake you’ll have with all these weekly photos. I admire your consistency. This is ADORABLE!!!! You’re son is looking quite grown up – all ready to be a big brother.