Simon thinks all animals are dogs

One more video of my little talker. He has actually been saying a few words for awhile now unfortunately I am about the only person who can understand them. I have been trying very hard to get some of his words on video but any time I pull out the camera he becomes a lot more interested in it then talking. He started saying “bye” at 8 and 1/2 months but only when he felt like it. Now he says Hi, Bye, Dog, Duck, Quack, Ball, uh-oh, NO, BOP (which is Simon-ese for STOP!). He also sings “e-i-e-i” as in “Old McDonald”. I have been trying to teach him sign language but he is not very interested. Pretty much he only signs the word “Dog” and he waves “bye” but that’s it and we have been working very hard on “More”, “Please”, “all done” and various other signs. The interesting development is that I realized he thinks all 4-legged animals are dogs. He has a toy bear which he started calling a dog. he holds it up and says dog and signs it (patting his leg as if calling a dog). I say no bear and sign bear – we go back and forth like that – he insists that the bear is a dog. Today I showed him a you-tube video of some cows and showed him the sign for cow. He was mesmerized by the video clip and  signed and said “Dog” – I said “no Simon tha’s not a Dog it’s a Cow! but he insits. So here is a video of him insisting that the cows are dogs. Our neighbor actually has cows and horses but I deemed it too cold to take him out there to show him a proper cow. So here he is – if you listen closely you can here him say “Dog” several times.

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  1. Kay Weaver

    Well grandma knows he can say dog and recognized Simon saying it in the video!

  2. Anonymous

    I think it great that Simon thinks all animals are dogs, because we all know how much you hate dogs. Merry Christmas to Simon, Myles, your mom and you! Stay warm!

  3. he’s so CUTE!!!
    i taught my daughter signs as a baby and it was so CUTE!
    she knew over 100 signs by the time she was two.
    she doesn’t remember them all though at 9 (almost in 4 days)which is
    a bummer!!! but it was adorable back then! and a great way to communicate!