This may be the first session that I have had with twins where they slept better apart than together. From my experience twins like to be right next to each other but this brother and sister set were just fine on their own.
This little boy was 6.5 lbs and his sister (bellow) was only 4 lbs. Don’t be deceived by these photos these babies are tiny.
After Simon was born most people saw photos of him before they met him in person and almost everyone commented “oh! he is a lot smaller than I thought” (he was also 6.5 lbs). And now when clients come for the sessions I often get comments about how small the props are. Like “wow that’s the baby carriage – it’s small.” Because they have seen the photos but they don’t really have an idea of scale in their head. I think people forget how small newborns are. Simon was about 3 months old when I started working again and I photographed a newborn. I was shocked at how tiny the baby was and I just kept thinking “my baby is huge” and it had only been 3 months. So if you are expecting – be prepared, newborns are tiny.
And here is one of the not so tiny cousin.
I couldn’t get over her fine features and her beautiful curls. Some children are truly breathtaking.
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