A short but sweet visit from my friend Melissa and her daughter Olivia. They now live in Florida so I don’t get to see them all that often. I was overjoyed that Melissa had time to scheudle in a photo shoot during their brief weekend visit to Seattle.
Olivia is a doll. Though she took a while to warm up to the camera. I asked Melissa if there were any songs she liked. I always encourage parents to sing, kids love music and most of my photo clients get to hear my horrible renditions of “twinkle, twinkle little star”, and “itsy bitsy spider”. Melissa stated singing the Olivia song “Olivia, Olivia, O-L-I-V-I-A”. So cute! kids love songs that use their name. I had that song stuck in my head the entire time I proofed these photos.
Such a great little personality!