I think that summer has finally arrived – I hope that it stays extra long into the fall to make up for the horrible wet spring we have had. Portfolio | Contact Me | Book a Session connect with us … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: June 2008
Kole and Karter

We know Kole and Karter from our mommy/play group. It has been fun getting to know these last 5 months. Sadly they are moving to Austin at the end of this month. We are sad to see them go but … Continue reading
Outside is a great place to practice sitting up!
and falling over… He actually does fall in slow motion. The grass is soft but a little prickly. Simon was not so sure how he felt about it the first few times he fell. Here are the outtakes Here is … Continue reading
Sweet Adelaide
too sweet for words : ) Just 10 months old and already walking. Lyndsay tagged me with a “You Make My Day” Award. Awful nice of her : ) Now I get to name 10 people whose blogs inspire me … Continue reading
Happy Father’s Day!
Myles’ First fathers day : ) So what do you do on the first sunny Saturday after a month of rain?… you have a photo shoot of course (I will share those photos soon). But after the work is done … Continue reading
Who moved my baby?
Pardon the lack of post and the following snap shots but we have been busy! Simon has this play mat thing. It’s usually good for about 10 – 15 min of entertainment. The other day I plopped Simon down in … Continue reading
Mommy and Simon
Taken the other day while we had the tri-pod out. Portfolio | Contact Me | Book a Session connect with us on social media . . .
Self Portrait
Over at two peas we are having a self portrait challenge. I don’t normally like being on the other side of the camera but since my current profile picture is more than a year old it is about time for … Continue reading
Don’t worry Ivy, we will get through this together
that is just what I think Simon was trying to communicate to Ivy. The two rug rats in their Hannah Anderson hats Portfolio | Contact Me | Book a Session connect with us on social media . . … Continue reading
Remember Ivy?
Ivy Well she is getting big too! cutier every day! and she is almost sitting up. I say almost because in this photo she is precariously balanced on her forearms, but doing pretty good! more photos from this session coming … Continue reading
She thinks her name is “Elle Belle”
Chanda (her mom) told me that the other day they showed her a picture of herself and ask he who it was and she responded “Elle Belle!” It is true, everyone does call her that a lot, myself included. In … Continue reading

Cara, the mom pictured here is one of my former co-workers from when I worked on the F-22 program. She has such a sweet family! We had a great time taking pictures. I had to include this last one. What … Continue reading