You would think I would have learned my lesson about not keeping baby powder within baby reach… apparently not. Looks guilty doesn’t he! I was in the bathroom putting on makeup and I could hear him saying “shaking! shaking! shaking!” … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: March 2010
The Fort
Sometimes, on very good days, your grandma comes over to play and shows you how to build a fort. And it’s cool! I have been really exhausted and nauseous a lot (and not getting much done) so I was very … Continue reading
Ivy’s sister {Seattle Newborn Photographer}

This is little miss Olive, sister to the famous Ivy. Ivy is one of Simon’s favorite people. She is our neighbor and was born 2 weeks before him and since now that Ivy has a baby sister Simon thinks it … Continue reading
In other news…
We are having another baby! due October 25th 2010. We had our first prenatal visit on Tuesday and our first ultrasound yesterday. Now that I have seen the baby and heard the heart I feel comfortable making a announcement : … Continue reading
Cover Girl!
Little miss Sophie that I photographed last month made the cover of Conceive magazine! I knew when I photographed her at 2 weeks old that she was model material – she is just too cute! Congrats Sophie! and here are … Continue reading
a handsome fellow {Seattle Newborn photographer}

I love it when parents bring adorable hats! what bunch of sweet babies I have had lately. I can’t wait to share more but I am WAY behind on proofing. hopefully I can catch up this week! My Portfolio | … Continue reading
What we do on cold rainy days…
On cold rainy days we like to go to the indoor playground at Seattle Gymnastics Academy. It’s a great way for toddlers to work off some pent up energy and climb run and jump with almost no restrictions. recently Simon … Continue reading