He finally figured out that he could go forward not just backward. It’s funny how it takes every bit of concentration and determination that he can muster! Also my mom was over 2 night ago and took some photos of … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: August 2008
What Jacob wanted to say…
With all the other stuff going on I almost forgot to post this. If you read Kate’s blog you already know… Look closely now… Congrats Jacob, Ryan, and Kate! For the Photographers and scrapbookers who wanted to about how to … Continue reading
Here comes trouble…
This is how I found Simon yesterday morning when he woke up… he’s only on his knees but he’s to little to be doing this right? He can’t even crawl yet (well not forwards anyway). Just the day before I … Continue reading
why we went to the beach
I have been trying to get some decent six-month-old shots of Simon now for two weeks and he has been decidedly uncooperative. I took him down to the beach on Thursday with a specific vision in my mind but we … Continue reading
Update – The Second Swimmer
Brent Sweet (Left), 21 years old, from New Mexico. He is a student at the University of Montana. Son of Martin and Tina Sweet of Vienna Austria, the youngest of three. Mr. and Mrs. Sweet contacted me this morning and … Continue reading
Good Samaritan Rescues Drowning Man
Tonight I took Simon back down to the ocean (Shilshole bay/ Golden Gardens) in hopes of getting some decent six month photos of him. The lighting wasn’t great as it was very overcast so I was just walking the beach … Continue reading
Outdoor living
This is my take on the chair in the field. I am hardly the first photographer to attempt this. I have to admit that I have always liked the look but never had the impetus to try it out. Some … Continue reading
Some babies really like having their picture taken…
Others… Not so much! but they can’t help being cute anyway. No, I didn’t tell her to hold the lolly in front of her face, she was genuinely trying to keep me from taking her picture. Portfolio | Contact Me … Continue reading
My Vegan Lunch Box
No, I’m not a vegan (not even close) but I am a big fan of the Vegan Lunchbox blog by Jennifer McCann. Jennifer, makes these extremely elaborate vegan lunches for her son and then blogs about them. Right now she … Continue reading
Guess who is having another girl!

My friend Jennifer (middle) is expecting and told me last week that she would be having her ultrasound today. I told her she needed to come up with a witty way to tell everyone whether it was a boy or … Continue reading
6 months later…
I received so many positive comments and emails the last time I posted the photo of Myles playing guitar for Simon that I thought I should show Simon still enjoying it 6 months later. No, we don’t do it every … Continue reading
It’s too HOT!
I don’t mind the rain, I am comfortable wearing a sweater, in fact I actually enjoy coolish weather because it means you can really enjoy a hearty stew or chili. I love snuggling up under my down comforter. This morning … Continue reading