2012.01.03 This was some fun sensory play that ended up all over my house! cloud dough – you can find the recipe here but basically it’s oil and flour. It has the most unique texture and it does make you … Continue reading
cloud dough

2012.01.03 This was some fun sensory play that ended up all over my house! cloud dough – you can find the recipe here but basically it’s oil and flour. It has the most unique texture and it does make you … Continue reading
In May we went on a gray whale watching excursion with Victoria Clipper. Simon LOVES whales and we have read many many books about whales, watched whale wildlife shows, whale clips on youtube, drawn whales, and pretended to be whales. … Continue reading
This is currently Simon and Talia’s favorite bath activity. Once again I got the idea from play at home mom. Simply collect old soap, shampoo, and lotion bottles and fill them with water. Add a drop of food coloring or … Continue reading