Cover Girl!

Little miss Sophie that I photographed last month made the cover of Conceive magazine! I knew when I photographed her at 2 weeks old that she was model material – she is just too cute! Congrats Sophie!

and here are some of the other photos from that shoot.

until next time!


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  1. M. Olson

    What a cutie!

    Congrats on the cover!

  2. Amy

    That’s awesome Emily! Congrats!

  3. Congrats! This is awesome!

  4. lea

    Congrats on the cover! 🙂 GREAT shots! Shes adorable too! Did you use natural light?

  5. Wonderful!

    Might I ask what the process of getting a photo in a magazine is?

  6. Congrats! Glad you got the mags!

  7. That is awesome! Great photo. Congrats!

  8. jen

    congrats!! beautiful job!!! 🙂

  9. Congratulations Emily!! I am so proud of you.