Outside is a great place to practice sitting up!

and falling over…
He actually does fall in slow motion.

The grass is soft but a little prickly. Simon was not so sure how he felt about it the first few times he fell. Here are the outtakes
Here is my sweet boy!
plying peek-a-boo behind the camera.
My mom is so funny, she cracks me up!

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  1. oh my word…he totally had shifted in looks!! He looks older and a little different. Isnt that amazing! Funny, Lacy fell in slow mo too..VERY comical. And cute photos. I like the contrasting green and red.

  2. oh my word…he totally has shifted in looks!! He looks older and a little different. Isnt that amazing! Funny, Lacy fell in slow mo too..VERY comical. And cute photos. I like the contrasting green and red.

  3. Brooke

    Too cute! I can’t believe that he is already sitting up! He’s adorable and your pictures are amazing…as usual!

  4. These are absolutely precious!!!

  5. Emily I absolutely love these photos! The strip of falling down pictures is priceless – you’ve got to frame that! 🙂 It sure is nice that the Lord blessed an amazing photographer with the cutest baby in the world! (I can say that now, since Eli’s not a baby anymore!) 🙂

  6. Faye

    Emily, I really love the falling over sequence. He looks like he just broke out of the local jail.
    And, I can almost hear that laugh in the, “My mom just cracks me up” photo.

  7. Kay Weaver

    What a joy a little one is and to get to see his practicing sitting up on his own. He’ll be managing the upright position very soon. I love his red stripe suit for the photos on green. Great job mom!