I should post something on the blog… how about a cut baby? OK
This is miss Olive at 3 months old. She is 5 months old now (almost 6) so these are a bit old but I have to share because I can’t believe that she let me do this to her at 3 months of age. I had all but given up on her falling asleep for any photos and then she did – but we were wrapping things up and she was fully clothed. So not only did I position her like this, I then removed her onsie and diaper while she was still sleeping! I couldn’t believe that she stayed asleep. What a doll. She has the cutest chub and she is such an easy going delightful child. The other day she and Ivy were over and Simon and Ivy just got her all riled up into fits of laughter. They can really get her going. And while I can make her smile she doesn’t think I am funny at all.
They don’t get any cuter than that!
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Your work is beautiful!
So adorable! What a good little model!
She is as cute as they come! (of course I am a bit bias, as her mother and all!!)