Mom and Dad

For comparison purposes here are photos of Myles and I on our first days. Who do you think Simon looks like?


or Dad ?


And Myles has begged me to post this video of Simon pooping. He thinks it’s the funniest thing ever. I promise you don’t see any poop you only hear it.

I just noticed that my maternity count down is still going… maybe I should figure out how to take that down now that we have a week old baby 

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  1. Meagan Prince

    Definitely MOM… but with Dad’s mouth!
    Oh, guys, he’s so WONDERFUL (but you knew that, duh)!
    When am I going to see him in a picture in that warm, fuzzy blue knitted blanket?
    I had this funny thought the other day that my yarn choice made him a boy… obviously, that happened a while ago, but still… I may have some super-powers I need to tap into more often!
    PS: Dan (as much as he’s still dragging his feet on babyland) is so thrilled for you guys!

  2. I promise, the day will come when Myles no longer loves the sound of his baby pooping 🙂 The mystique will wear off.

  3. I promise, the day will come when Myles no longer loves the sound of his baby pooping 🙂 The mystique will wear off.

  4. Kate

    I think he has Emily’s eyes and Myles’ mouth… what a perfect little blend!!
    We are thrilled for you guys!
    -Kate, Ryan and Jacob

  5. Sophia

    Myles, you’re so crazy!!
    You guys should teach him that sign language like in Meet the Fockers! LOL!

  6. Abbey

    Yipes! Wait until that happens and it isn’t contained! =) I learned to dread the sound – especially when it happened during church and inevitably during prayer! I agree with the above comments on resemblance… I’m still so happy for you! Gotta love getting to know this new little person and all his quirks…