So it’s going pretty well. First week was stressful only because everyone is incredibly busy that they don’t have a lot of time to show me what to do. By Friday I finally felt like I was starting to catch on a bit. On F22 the processes were a lot more defined. I had an electronic work queue where task were assigned to me and I knew what I was supposed to do (get through items in work queue) and how to do it. I wrote a lot of contracts, each contract was different but I could look at an example and glean from it what I needed to do. 787 is a lot more subjective. I have several projects that I am working on but it’s all stuff that I have figure out how to do for myself and there are no examples for me to copy. The difficult thing is that I don’t very many people or their specialties so I don’t really know where to go for the information. Consequently it takes me a long time to complete a task that could be simple if I new where to get all the information. 787 is totally new and Boeing is building this airplane totally different from they way they have built airplanes before, there are not many defined procedures or process – we are inventing them as we go. It makes for an interesting job. I think that I will grow to love it. I do feel a bit of resentment from people about my month long vacation coming up but I guess they are just going to have to deal with it.
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