Myles says that this is one of his favorite all time traditions, I have to agree!
Talia was really into feeding the alpacas and goats, as we approached their enclosure and she saw them I swear she said “WHAT THAT!?”
after the pumpkin patch we headed over to Thenos dairy for pumpkin ice cream. Here is Talia having her first taste of ice cream. At first she was really unsure but then she just wanted MORE MORE MORE and kept trying to grab it with her hands.
Simon really didn’t want pumpkin for some reason so he chose strawberry. Crazy kid! doesn’t he know that pumpkin ice cream is only available for a very limited time and we will have to wait a whole year to have it again?
It’s really fun to go back through the years of pumpkin patch photos and see Simon grow, check them out.
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Love to see kids at the pumpkin farm.. Sweet both of kids.. Talia’s new glasses, cute!!