Last week Sam and Chanda celebrated their 13th wedding anniversary and so the girls hung out with us while they celebrated so we had a little celebration of our own. Alec and Hayven were kind enough to have us all over for a weenie roast and then we took care of a family tradition… the annual burning of the Christmas Wreath! We typically do this while camping but this year we forgot to take the wreath! Yes, we actually save our Christmas wreath for 6 months or so and then burn in a blaze of glory!
Ally – throughly enjoying her hot dog
Melissa and Megan roasting their dogs
Myles – preparing the wreath for its cremation.
The wreath in it’s final blaze of glory! Crispy wreaths actually make beautiful kindling.
Yes, we are allowed to haveĀ fires in our back yards with out a permit, however, I think that this actually exceeds the 36 in maximum flame height rule. One year I burned our entire Christmas tree in our back yard and that made a 12 – 15 ft flame – It scared me a little bit and from then on we just let the boy scouts take it.
I’m sure I will get some interesting comment’s on this postĀ – bring it on!
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I may have to adopt that tradition, but my question is this:
Got any tips for photographing fire? I can’t seem to get it right. Thanks!
to photograph fire you just meter off the fire itself and you make sure to have a fairly high shutter speed.
haha…can’t believe you really lit your tree!! scary!
That’s a great tip about the crispy wreath. Although we can’t do it in our backyard, I bet we could find a place. Do you cut down a tree from a tree farm? We’re going to do that for the first time this year and I for one am really looking forward to it.
I love it! too funny
Hope all is well, see you next Saturday for more pics!