Look at this mess!

That’s what Simon said to me when I walked out into the living room to find him spreading his watermelon all over the couch. It’s a phrase I have said many many times (apparently)  – I didn’t realize how frequently I said it but Simon has recently become our little parrot and we are hearing all sorts of things from him that we regularly say. At least leather cleans up easy – that’s why we bought them.



More from our fantastic little mess maker soon…

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  1. Rane dae

    That is an awesome mess. I hope you told him he did a great job!

  2. Kay Weaver

    Oh my goodness, sticky, sticky but oh so entertaining. I guess you can’t leave him by himself too long.

  3. sophia

    LOL! i have found that you learn a lot about yourself via the feedback loop of your kid(s)! 🙂