
This little guy just wore me out! It was a warm day and after running after him all over the park we were all hot and sweaty. However, he was a real joy to photograph because he was so happy and spunky – so all the chasing was worth it.
This shot cracked me up – it’s like he is saying “Oh no, not the camera again!”
happy family!

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  1. OMG what a doll baby! I can tell just from the twinkle in his eye he really gave you a run for your money! I love those kids though, the ones full of life and personality. When you can catch them for a split second like you did in these shots, you can really get some awesome shots! These ROCK- love that one of him with his hand on his forehead! They are a lovely little family. 🙂

  2. You captured his spunk! He is adorable!! Love that shot!!

  3. He is just too darling! What a sweet, sweet family. I adore the last shot you got of them.

  4. Becky (finsup)

    These are beautiful, adorable shots!

  5. what an adorable boy!
    great captures of his personality!
    what a cute family!!!

  6. I love the third one. He looks like so much fun!! Gorgeous setting you have there too.

  7. bobbi

    What a beautiful family! That little guy is such a ham, I love the “Oh no, not the camera shot!”