Taken last weekend at South Whidby island state park.
Simon’s first ferry ride. I don’t think he even noticed that he was on a boat!
Little Evie (pictured above) gave of all a good scare when she went missing for about 10 min. It was night and we could not find her anywhere. Turns out she went to the bathroom with Hayven and was just fine.
In true girl scout fashion Lisa and Ruth cooked their entire dinner over the campfire. Here they are roasting their meat, their vegetables in the foil packets in the fire. The rest of us camping weenies just used camp stoves. They even attempted to cook a blueberry cobbler in the coals in the fire – dutch oven style. Unfortunately it did not turn out as well.
I think the fire was a little hotter than anticipated.
Here is Ruth removing the charred frisbee cobbler from the dutch oven.
And here is Justin enjoying it! THe second night the cobbler was attempted again and it fared much better. Cooked with only about 20 coals in its own fire pit. I once saw a dutch oven cooking demoenstration at a state park and this makes me want to get one and try it out myself.
Here is Ivy and Simon romping around in Hayven’s tent. The photo looks foggy because it was taken through the screen window.
And here is Hayven explaing how to give CPR to a dog. No dogs were in need of CPR this was just a theoratical demoenstration. (She is going to kill me for posting this photo).
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It’s a good thing Charlie can’t read because I think he’d be seriously envious…nightly bath and massage, finger painting, camping trips…wow, what a life!!
As a proud owner of 3 labaradors, I’d be very interested in hearing Hayven’s canine CPR lesson! 🙂
While Hayven might not like you posting the picture I think the rest of us all enjoyed it.
Also, it looks like the chicken Ruth is cooking is glowing. Crazy glowing Chicken… tastes better than normal chicken I’m told.
I would never kill you but for those friends of yours who haven’t met me, they are for sure going to think I am crazy, and perhaps I might need a more flattering picture of myself on here someday. I have aged horribly with this baby you can almost see the liver spots forming on my hands. haa ha